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by cryptowithxm
Ho appena visto che XMTrading supporta i depositi e prelievi in criptovalute. Nessuna commissione, transazioni istantanee e fino a $30K al mese. Questo cambia tutto.
by trumptrumo
Il team di Trump detiene l’80% di $TRUMP, controllando mercato e investitori. Una cripto decentralizzata? Non sembra proprio.
by derivnonvabene
Perché Deriv rende i depositi così limitati? Niente bonifico bancario, solo Jeton e carte, e neanche le crypto. Un po’ frustrante. Qualcun altro sta avendo problemi per questo?
by Roberta Box
I lost so much and was really devastated, I had to seek help until I was directed to Flash Reclaim Service that helped me to recover all the money I had lost. It was really worth it. I will be happ...
by Enoch Oluwatosin
Good afternoon sir
by Gerden
My broker said she made a huges mistake by procecess my referral upgrade money and shes sorry i understand that we all mistakes because were human but due to all the mistakes i psyed almost R110 00...
by Moses
Suppose i open a standard account with 5usd can i trade the five dollars with the usual pip value of 10usd/pip, and if it is possible is it available globally
My account wad deactivated why?
by Kegomoditswe
Today my order got moved during news and I was using a zero spread account with FBS...if they say it's applicable for trading news why do they move pending I was one the minute chart ...
by remjun
indicate to your details ecn premier spread acct. is 100$ minimum deposit then l log in said 500$ minimum deposit
by remjun
why 500$ minimum deposit for ecn premier acct.?
by Lee
You lied, author. IC Markets do not ADOPT nor FULFILLED NBP (Negative Balance Protection). You have to pay if it exceeds your initial deposits. Please do your info right at the very least, JESUS.


4,9 rating based on 49 ratings
4.9/5 49


4,9 rating based on 64 ratings
4.9/5 64


4,8 rating based on 41 ratings
4.8/5 41


4,8 rating based on 37 ratings
4.8/5 37


4,7 rating based on 20 ratings
4.7/5 20


4,4 rating based on 44 ratings
4.4/5 44


4,8 rating based on 66 ratings
4.8/5 66


4,1 rating based on 40 ratings
4.1/5 40


3,0 rating
3/5 0


3,7 rating based on 47 ratings
3.7/5 47

* NBP = Negative Balance Protection

Riceverai il messaggio di errore quando scambi simboli che non sono disponibili per il tuo account. Per risolvere questo problema, fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse s...
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Se hai dimenticato la password per accedere al tuo conto di trading MT4/MT5, clicca su "Password dimenticata?" nella fase di accesso, situata sotto i campi di accesso. Il ser...
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Ci sono principalmente 2 casi in cui il messaggio "Off Quotes" appare sulla piattaforma MT4. 1. Ordini che non rispettano la regola Qualsiasi ordine che viola un limite stabil...
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Se vedi un messaggio di errore "Invalid Account" nell'angolo in basso a sinistra del tuo MT4 o MT5 come di seguito, allora potresti aver digitato "Credenziali di accesso" errate...
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Tipi di account di XM XM offre 3 tipi di account che sono account Micro, Standard e XM Zero. Ogni tipo di conto offre vantaggi diversi per i trader come segue: Micro -...
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Viene visualizzato il messaggio di errore "Invalid S/L or T/P" se lo stop loss o il take profit che stai cercando di posizionare non rientra nei parametri corretti dei livelli l...
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